Monday, June 6, 2011

Random String of Words

There's lots of people in the news lately. I won't mention all of them. But let me just say that tonight Stephen announced he has made the moral choice to let himself go. For someone who just spent about a week on a small boat in the ocean, that is indeed a brave choice.

But perhaps the most important event in the news now is Sarah Palin's historical perspective on Paul Revere's ride. If you watch TV or look at the internet, you most likely have seen her interpretation on that important night in our history. And if you are paying attention you will know that many people have said she mangled history. Of course someone is defending her and that someone is, well, it's Sarah Palin defending herself. She knows her history she tells us.

I think the problem is that poem. That one by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, you know, "Paul Revere's Ride". It's so long. Stephen had a better idea based on what Sarah Palin had said:

One if by land
Bells if by two
Hey British you're warned
Sail the Ocean Blue.

It seems that Stephen is in her corner also because he admires her skill at speaking on camera. "I could not have said a random string of words better," Stephen said after hearing her review of Revere. But still there are those who are upset by her inaccuracies. That could change though because her fans apparently have gone to the Wikipedia page about Paul Revere in order to change it to reflect what Sarah Palin had said.

So now everyone is confused. What did Paul Revere do that night back in 1775? Did he warn the Americans? Did he warn the British? Was he able to load and shoot and ring all at the same time? There's only one way to know for sure. Historical Re-enactment.

Stephen demonstrated clearly just how the ride of Paul Revere went down. Umm, I'm not sure that he had it right either. But at least he had the guts to try. That makes him a great American hero also.

One last thing from tonight's show - Stephen discussed the replacement for the Food Pyramid. Now it will be the Food Plate. That makes sense to me. You can read about it at

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