Tuesday, June 7, 2011


"National Diabetic Association. Is there a diabetic in your house?"

"What? Who is this?"

"National Diabetic Association. Is there any persons in your house who are diabetic?:

"What are you calling about?"

"Do you have people with diabetes living there?

Well, it was hard to understand her, but she did say things like Free Supplies. And Most Latest Supplies. Yep, most latest, so not so good on proper English grammar. And then there was something similar to "You don't need to worry about..." and "nonprofit".

I should have asked where she was calling from. I should have asked if there is a website about them. I should have said to send me information in the mail and then I would decide if I wanted to give out any personal, medical information.

I did some Googling and did not find any helpful information about this group/company/association. I did find websites that had uncomplimentary things to say about National Diabetic Association. I also found a website listing 406-715-0230 for that group/company/association.

It's easy to get confused when you get a call from one of thousands of organizations. Did they say National or American? Did they say Diabetes or Diabetic? Did they say Association or Organization or Foundation?

But here's the good news, a link to help you sort out charities. The Federal Trade Commission has all kinds of information at their website, so if you are unsure of who called saying they are a nonprofit or a charity, etc., you can start at this website.

So, as yet another public service to my readers, that's who was on the line when my Caller ID said 805-741-2218.

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