Thursday, October 11, 2012

Like It Says On The Side Of My Van

Stephen's audience last night was the best, or at least the loudest, and most attentive, of any audience I can remember seeing/hearing on The Colbert Report. I wonder if they got an award.

Presidential election. It should be easy to figure out who will win. Just travel all over the country, ask millions of people what they think and who they will vote for. Or, get a cup of coffee at 7-Eleven. It seems that in the past 2 presidential elections, 7-Eleven has been able to accurately predict the winner. You walk in, grab a blue Obama coffee cup or a red Romney coffee cup and the rest is or will be history. Currently, Obama has 60% compared to Romney's 40%. Stephen pointed out the obvious flaw in this poll. Mormons can't drink coffee! Stephen has suggested that we should be requiring voter ID of anyone buying a cup of joe.

Next in presidential election news is pizza. Pizza Hut is also throwing their pizza into the ring. It has prompted some to say they are promoting product placement when we should be promoting democracy. Kurt Kane, CMO of Pizza Hut, issued a statement about this:

"We recognize there are a lot of serious issues to be debated, but we also know a lot less serious - but no less important - ones are being discussed every night inside houses across the country."

Stephen did not have a photo of Kurt Kane, but he did have a visual approximation. We all know that visual approximations are just as good as actual photograph.

Stephen moved away from presidential elections and over to education. An article in US News from a while back talked about Kids in Poor Neighborhoods Fall Behind in School. While there might be many obvious and good solutions, Stephen brought up another one. Dr. Michael Anderson prescribes Adderall for struggling students.

As you all most likely know, Stephen considers bears to be a great threat. Tonight he talked about bears who steal iPads, bears who shop at Sears and bears who eat at Olive Garden. I guess he is right to be so afraid of bears.

Naomi Wolf was the guest on the show. Stephen had lots of questions, lots of answers and generally kept her in good spirits. She has a new book out, Vagina: A New Biography. Some of his questions were of the general type, variations of, "How are you?" Other questions were more specific, such as "Where is this lab?" I think he came away from the interview with increased knowledge and appreciation of Naomi's observations of many topics.

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