Monday, October 15, 2012

Do You Know the Way to Santa Fe?

I have been trying since Thursday night to get to Santa Fe. I think I should be able to get there in just three seconds by using the nodules on my fingertips, but I am having no success at all. I finally decided to give up trying and get back to posting here. If anyone figures it out, let me know.


Stephen's audience was again quite boisterous. Perhaps Stephen is providing snacks or something to get them so excited. It is refreshing to have such enthusiasm.

You may have watched the Veep Debate, the one with Martha Raddatz and also Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.  Some people are saying that there was a clear political bias in that choice of a moderator. You see, years ago, in 1991, Barack Obama attended the wedding of a classmate. That classmate happened to be marrying Martha Raddatz. She ended up getting divorced, but Stephen pointed out that surely she would still hold a special place in her heart for a classmate of her ex-husband. Right?

None of that is important now. Stephen introduced a new segment: "This Changes Everything." In what can really be called game-changing, we found out from Stephen's relentless search for, I dunno, maybe the truth, that Time Travel is possible. We know this because Andrew Basiago has done it. He has traveled through time. He did so when he was a kid, a young kid. He said that they used "jump rooms" to do the time travel. He also traveled to Mars with Barack Obama. Stephen showed video footage of an expert, Captain James Kirk discussing this. Whoooooosshhhhhh. He explained it very well. I understood it completely. """ Only William Shatner can make something like this understandable. It's classic. I hope you saw it on the TV machine or go catch it over at Colbert Nation. This Changes Everything. (Full disclosure: Some people are skeptical of these claims of Andrew Basiago. I mean, time travel.... teleportation.... really?... really?)

Political News is almost a certainty with the election so close. Mitt Romney has for two years been a severe Conservative, but now Mitt Romney has moved to the Center. Therefore, it was time for Stephen Colbert to debate Stephen Colbert in, yes you guessed it, Formidable Opponent. First of all, Stephen autographed his new book, "America Again: Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't" for Stephen. Shameless plug, yes, but I endorse him for doing so. Somehow, the two of them were able to bring Honey Boo Boo into the debate but then quickly got over to Romney Care and Obama Care and how the two were so similar. Plan probably is for Mitt Romney, if elected, to repeal Obama Care, clone it and replace it with Romney Care. Stephen was confounded and confused by Stephen. So they physically exchanged places. Apparently, Stephen tripped Stephen in the process. It got more confusing and the two of them wondered how Mitt Romney manages all the switching of positions or flip-flops.

The guest was Chrystia Freeland talking about Plutocrats. Interestingly enough, she has a new book out - "Plutocrats, The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else." Stephen was upset that he is not one of the super rich. That would be the richest of the richest. If you are reading this, I'm pretty sure you are not in that group either. But, the good news is that would at least put you in the same group as Stephen. Well, anyway, it is a little bit scary what they were talking about. It's a winner take all, ALL!, economy. That may not be be a great way to run things in terms of the collective good.

Stephen was going to remind us all of what Thomas Jefferson said, but, the audience (boisterous) applauded the guest, Chrystia Freeland. This hurt Stephen's feelings and so we never found out what was so important that Thomas Jefferson said.

As a service to all of you reading this now, I looked through some of Thomas Jefferson's quotes to try to determine what Stephen was going to reveal. I do not know, but I can suggest that maybe it was this quote by Thomas Jefferson:

"Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor."

On the other hand, maybe Stephen was going to quote this from Jefferson: "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."

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