Wednesday, October 17, 2012

# Filling Air Time

Stephen told his audience that when they chant his name it is the best Karaoke song ever. He also told us about some cool technology that he saw on CNN. They have the ability to capture what was just on CNN and then send it to their friends. So, not only can you tell someone you are watching Wolf Blitzer, you can show them. It's basically #fillingairtime.

Speaking of skeletal figures dressed in black robes at this time of year, the Supreme Court will be deciding if Abigail Fischer should have been able to go to the University of Texas like she wanted to or to Louisiana State University like she had to. Joining Stephen briefly was Emily Bazelon to discuss Affirmative Action. This was an issue that was dear and near to Stephen because he had to go to Dartmouth instead of Hogwarts.

For hungry fans of the show, there was a Soup to Nuts segment where we learned about volunteering. Paul Ryan "volunteered" at a St. Vincent De Paul Soup Kitchen. You can see video here of Paul Ryan and his shiny pan scrubbing.  What a hoot. I wonder if he was being punked because anyone could see those pots and pans that he scrubbed were already as shiny as the day they were born. Perhaps Paul Ryan needs to get his eyes checked. This episode with Paul Ryan reminds me of his Marathon Days. Paul Ryan is in good shape and yet he keeps tripping over his own feet (or his own tongue). I think what happened is that someone told him he should pretend to be washing dishes, but no one realized that everybody would see that they didn't need to be washed. Ooh, ooh, ooh! Now I'm thinking of something else. It's on the tip of my tongue. Oh, yeah, now I remember. Click here to see what I'm thinking of. Hint: Hans Christian Andersen.

Perhaps in an effort to help Paul Ryan do a better job of running for Vice President, Stephen has come up with a way to provide assistance. It's called, "Save the Candidates." Turning to the camera and speaking softly, Stephen shows us a photo of Paul Ryan and says, "This is Paul. He wants to be Vice President but he needs your help." Stephen goes on to urge us to spend just a few minutes a day and provide Paul with the photo opps he needs, perhaps with orphans or veterans. You can help this young man (Paul Ryan) live up to his dream of cutting all your government funding. Stephen was so sincere, I expect there will be some takers.

The guest last night was friend of the show, Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey. The last time Cory Booker was on the show, Stephen awarded him alpha dog for running into a burning building which also alarmed Stephen who wondered if his studio was on fire. (It wasn't!)

Stephen Colbert asked questions like, "Why wasn't "God" in the Democratic Platform?" Said Cory Booker, "Religion was in there. Faith was in there. And it favored faith-based programs." He had read the Republican Party Platform and it was shinier in that they talked about going back to the gold standard.

But they didn't just talk about God and gold. They talked about #waywire. Stephen summed it up as video communication and activism at the same time. Cory was impressed with the summation. Unfortunately he had just admitted that he liked a soundbite. That's okay. Soundbites are also delicious.

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