Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Like the Rose Garden, The Roses Are the Right Height

Stephen was excited about the presidential debate on Tuesday night. He talked about some of the preparation by Mitt Romney which included bar-stool sitting. He's a Mormon, so he has no experience in sitting on stools.

Everyone seemed to be in agreement with Stephen about how great the debate was. One of the hotly debated topics was Libya and the attack that happened in Libya. Mitt was all prepared to score and Stephen was excited by that prospect.

Mitt Romney: "I think it's interesting the President just said something which which is on the day after the attack he went in the Rose Garden and said this was an act of terror."

Barack Obama: "That's right, sir."

Mitt Romney: "You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack it was an act of terror?"

And then, Mitt Romney gave Barack Obama the dreaded googly-eyed stare and a nod of his head down.

Mitt Romney: "It was not a spontaneous demonstration? Is that what you're saying?"

Barack Obama: "Please proceed, Governor."

Mitt Romney: "I want to make sure we get that for the record because it took the President 14 days before he called the attack in Benhgazi an act of terror."

Barack Obama: "Get the transcript."

The moderator clarified the whole issue by saying the President did in fact say it was an act of terror on the day after the attacks.

Barack Obama: "Can you say that a little louder, Candy?"

Stephen had a conniption and Mitt Romney had that kind of "deer staring into headlights" look.

Stephen Colbert: "It's supposed to shake things up the other way!" This was not going well for either Stephen or Mitt.

Part of the blame could be the questions. According to Megyn Kelly, the questions were stupid ones about topics we haven't heard before. And there were crazy subjects such as equal pay for women and gun violence. (How do we get more of the first one and less of the second?)

Mitt Romney had a suggestion on how to cut down on gun violence: "But, gosh, to tell our kids that before they have babies they ought to think of getting married to someone. That's a great idea." So, gun violence - solved.

Alpha Dog of the Week. Lately Stephen has been having Alpha Dogs that have been sort of wimpy. Not tonight. Tonight he told us about  Dr. Scott Desjarlais. (It has something to do with hypocrisy.)

There are a lot of reasons why he gets top billing in the dog department. First of all, he says he is pro-life. According to his website, "All life should be cherished and protected. We are pro-life." Secondly, he had an affair with a patient. When she said she was pregnant, Dr. Desjarlais urged her to get an abortion. That's not enough to get Alpha Dog billing, though. Additionally, he made a tape of the conversation with his mistress about an abortion. And he did this because he thought it would  repair his marriage. Stephen tells us that for some reason his wife still divorced him, so ladies, he's available. Technically, he's remarried but that never stopped him before. So, for growling at abortion and then begging for it, Stephen made Dr. Scott Desjarlais the Alpha Dog of the Week.

Stephen's guest last night was a writer, a director, a producer, and a star. It was really one person, not four - Tyler Perry. Stephen mentioned, as he often does, that it's not a contest but he's winning. (I think Stephen is perhaps somewhat competitive, but I'm not going to say that.) They talked about Tyler Perry's new movie, "Alex Cross." Stephen thought it was a comedy, but it appears to be more of a fast-paced action thriller.

Next question asked was if Tyler Perry was a Romney guy. Tyler Perry avoided answering that question, so we will never know who Tyler Perry supports for president. One thing we did learn is that he is ready for the election to be over with. "Let's just vote already!" he told Stephen.

The two men ended the show in prayer with Stephen praying that Alex Cross would be a huge success.

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