Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Free Range Interns

I'll be brief. (Halloween AND the upcoming election are keeping me so very busy.)

Mitt Romney now has a plausible chance at winning. Stephen had very detailed suggestions for what the supporters of President Obama need to do. The Arctic Sea Ice is shrinking - well, duh, that water is freezing cold. Of course it's gonna shrink. There's a lot more interest in that whole Arctic region by nearly everyone. But really, it belongs to Santa.

Mitt Romney will solve all the Mideast problems. For example, he will put the leaders on Iran on notice. Stephen demonstrated with the On Notice Board. Wow. That was easy. Problem solved.

The guest tonight was Morrissey. They had a very vigorous discussion about the queen and what people should eat. For as serious as the discussion was, it sure brought out the laughs from the audience. I wonder if it was something Stephen said.

Whew, I hope stuff settles down so I can write more.

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