Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Due to Weather...

Nation, tonight's episode of The Colbert Report is canceled due to Hurricane Sandy. If you reserved tickets for tonight, please check your email for further details.

That's what you saw over at ColbertNation.com yesterday. And it was a repeat show, or encore episode on TV last night. Why? If you haven't been paying attention, it's because of Hurricane Sandy.

Okay, you know the drill. When something like this happens, you reach into your wallet and just take out a five or ten dollar bill and send it on to the Red Cross. Or better yet and easier, just go over to RedCross.org and donate online. You know Stephen would want you to do it, so make Stephen happy.

It looks like the show is on again as regularly scheduled and the guest will be Former Senator Al Simpson. Now here's something that I kind of want to crow about, but I also feel a little guilty pointing it out. Perhaps the last person out of the studio before the weather got so bad did not have time to check the website over at ColbertNation.com as closely as they usually do.

There's a teeny tiny teeny tiny error. It says that Al Simpson is former Senator of Wisconsin, but actually he is the former Senator from Wyoming. Both states' names contain the letters that spell out WIN, so it's easy to see how there could be this little mix-up. It's not a big deal. I'm sure it will still be Al Simpson on the show talking about his book, "Shooting from the Lip: The Life of Senator Al Simpson."

So, looking forward to Tuesday night's show and clearing up the Wisconsin/Wyoming kerfuffle. Also planning on donating to Red Cross even before Stephen urges us to. I'm sure Jon Stewart will talk about that, too. He can be a nice guy, same as Stephen is.

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