Monday, August 22, 2011

Spiders in Your Hair

Yes, yes I know. Stephen is on vacation. But yet, through the miracle of reruns, he also is on The Colbert Report. It was the episode I wrote about in "Most Boring Addiction." That was back when Tim Pawlenty was still a presidential hopeful. Now he's just an ordinary citizen like you or me. Only difference is that he will be analyzed from now until the election is held in November of 2012. Already this appeared in his hometown newspaper, the Star Tribune, detailing what went wrong. It's an opinion piece by Lori Sturdevant: Pawlenty's Compromises but it seems to me to be not so much about compromises as shifts and changes or even, dare I say it (?), flip-flops. What if, indeed!

Stephen also talked about the Colbert Super PAC and even composed an email, while doing the show, to his Super PAC members as follows:

Subject: Spiders in Your Hair

Dear Future Victims,

They're doing it again and we have only seconds to stop them before you, your pets, and everyone you love could experience whatever it is you are most afraid of. And don't forget, earlier I used the phrase "spiders in your hair." Send me $25 right now to make a difference or send me $100 to make four differences. Or just let the bad guys win. Your choice. QUICK, LOOK BEHIND YOU.

Stephen Colbert

I think that is Stephen's subtle way to remind everyone to send money to the Colbert Super PAC. Perhaps that's not really very subtle. I'll have to look up the definition of subtle. Maybe blatant would be the better word choice.

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