Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bachmann's Laugh Lines

By now everyone has seen Michele Bachmann on the cover of Newsweek. And you would have to be living in a cave to be unaware of the rabble it has roused.

I was going to ask if I'm the only one to have figured out what was going on. But I'm sure others have figured it out and I'm just not aware of what they are saying or printing.

Here's the scoop. Feel free to share it with others. Why does Michele Bachmann look the way she does in Newsweek's cover photo?

She's trying to hide those laugh lines. She's trying to minimize the crows feet. Try this yourself. Go stand in front of a mirror. Smile and look at the crows feet and laugh lines. (Okay, if you're very young you won't have any, but then smile more and you might see them.) Move those face muscles around and watch the results. Now open your eyes a little wider. See what a difference that makes? The lines won't go away, but at least they are not as obvious.

Smile .... Relax and open eyes wide.
Smile .... Relax and open eyes wide.

That's why the photo of Michele looks that way. She's trying to look younger than she really is (and therefore prettier and therefore more appealing to that over 40 male voting bloc) .

Open my eyes very wide,
Crows Feet I attempt to hide.

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