Monday, August 15, 2011

Hot Dogs, Get Your Free Hot Dogs

Well, the Fundraising Dinner for the Iowa Republican Party held in Ames, i.e. the Iowa Straw Poll is over and Michele Bachmann won.

Tim Pawlenty is out.

In what was actually a large picnic with free food and free tickets, the person who did the best job of providing really tasty food got the most votes. I wonder if anyone served my recipe for Holy Smoke Satan Sandwiches. It sure seemed like a natural fit, but I was not able to travel to Ames, Iowa for the Iowa Straw Poll, so I don't know.

It would be interesting to have another poll, maybe at the Iowa State Fair, to see what is the most popular summer picnic food. Then have someone do analysis to see if in fact the candidate who serves the most popular food also ends up the Winner of Straw.

My hope is that Stephen will talk about the Iowa Straw Poll, or Tim Pawlenty, or Michele Bachmann tonight on The Colbert Report so that I can finally feel like I predicted what he would talk about "in the future". But, I have found that predicting Stephen's behavior is not as easy as it would seem.

In closing, here's some numbers I got from reliable sources on the Internets.

4,823 - Number of votes Michele Bachmann received on August 13
311,995,173 - Population of USA today
$400 - Cost for a week of camp with Hot Dog USA Jump Rope Team
62 - number of restaurants in Ames listed here

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