Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Make 'Em Laugh

It was the rerun tonight from Stephen's last show before he went on vacation. That's the show that he had the WOI-DT news team to help him with Parry with an A-Gate.

It's also the episode where Stephen showed footage of Anderson Cooper. Apparently Anderson Cooper can't keep his cool on the air while reporting about Gerard Depardieu. I don't know which is funnier - a TV news person laughing at a story or a comedian laughing at his own joke. Regardless of which one is funnier for the audience, it does seem that once a person gets to laughing in a situation where they should not laugh, it becomes almost impossible to stop laughing and get serious again.

It reminds me of that episode on the old sit com Mary Tyler Moore Show about "Chuckles Bites the Dust." If you would like to watch part of it, head on over to YouTube to Watch part of that show. You can also see Betty White in her younger days.

I'm also reminded that sometimes Stephen seems to be unable to control his laughter, so perhaps he had better be a little bit careful about mocking Anderson Cooper.

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