Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tip and Gip

Day Two of the Government Shutdown and some folks (friends) are saying it's not that big of a deal. In fact, they are calling it a slimdown. Who could argue with slimming down? Well, about 9 million Women, Infants and Children who will soon run out of supplemental food. I thought about going over to the website for WIC, and wouldn't you know it? I fell for it again. The government is shut down and so the website for WIC is not there. So I couldn't get the information I was looking for. Something should be done about this shutdown.

And something is. President Obama has called for Congressional Leaders to come, sit down and talk this over. Republicans are doing their part by not blinking. Friend of the show, Michele Bachmann, is vowing to take No Doz. This should be a comfort to those hungry women, infants and children.

Killing people is bad, okay? Writing books about killing people can get you lots of money. And if God talks to you while you are sleeping and tells you to write these books, then you are Bill O'Reilly. Well, actually, it's the Holy Spirit that told Bill O'Reilly to write books about killing people.

Just as Stephen was explaining all this voices in your head in the middle of the night, God stopped by the studio, cast his golden glow upon Stephen, and let him know that Joan of Arc is a drama queen. We also found out that God talks to Stephen before he talks to Bill. In fact, God first told Stephen to write that book about Jesus and then Stephen whispered to Bill in the middle of the night that he should write it. Wow, and to think that I almost skipped watching tonight in order to made cookies.

Chris Matthews, champion talker and host of Hardball, was the guest last night on the show. He has one of the most distinctive laughs that I can think of. Hah! He has a new book on the shelves now, "Tip and The Gipper, When Politics Worked." The book is about Tip O'Neill, Speaker of the House, and Ronald Reagan, President of the United States. They were from opposite political parties, yet they could sit down in the evening and be friends.

Stephen was critical of the idea or ideal by Chris Matthews that politics should work. Think back, as Chris did, that our country was founded on the idea of talking, agreeing, compromising, coming to a decision and then moving forward. Heck of an idea, by the way. The two men argued more or should I say discussed more about politics and Reagan. They also came up with another book idea, well actually it was Chris Matthews who coined the title. Stephen did not discount the possibility of the make-believe future book being a best seller, but I wonder if other people will weigh in on this potential book. (Before they do, remember what you all say about Free Speech...)

I thought Chris Matthews did a fine job of explaining his thoughts and opinions. Just in case Stephen didn't get it, he asked Stephen at the end of the interview, "Am I clear?"

Now for something completely different. I really thought Stephen's tie last night was nice. It was subtle, it was stylish, it went quite well with his choice of a shirt. I also liked his tie from the night before. So Monday and Tuesday he wore nice ties. Only problem is, I think it was the same tie. Who does that? Who wears the same tie two nights in a row? Was it just my imagination? I don't think so. What happened? Did Stephen stay at the studio all night long on Monday preparing for Tuesday's show? That is one explanation, but there are so many more possibilities.

Stephen, if you're reading this, please give me a call and let me know what's up with that. Thanks.

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