Thursday, October 31, 2013


Tuesday's show,  I'm sure everyone will agree, was pretty much The Endive Report instead of The Colbert Report. And all because Stephen mentioned Adam and Endive in a previous show, and then got a case of endive from Rich Collins of California Endive Farms out there in California I presume, and all because he knows the correct way to say endive. (It's On-Deev not N-Dive.) I wouldn't mind a free case of endive, so here goes. "On-Deev." I'll be watching my doorstep every day in hopes of getting free endive. In the meantime, go over here and read all about endive. They even have a recipe for Endive Pizza!

Stephen shared his enthusiasm for endive.

He went on to share some money making tips in "The Word." Did you know you can make top money by selling your kidney? No. You can't. It's illegal to sell a kidney even though we usually are born with two which is obviously one too many. He went on to mention our work ethic and highlighted Dick Cheney. He had many ideas for buying and selling body parts.

We haven't heard much about politics from anybody in a long time and so Stephen brought us up to date. In Virginia there will be an election for Governor soon. A Washington Post poll is out about the two leading candidates and it shows Terry McAuliffe at 51% while Ken Cuccinelli at 39%.  There are many reasons for the wide split and Stephen talked about that.

To help win back support, Ken Cuccinelli called upon Rand Paul to help out on the campaign trail. But msnbc's The Rachel Maddow found fault with Senator Paul's research methodology. (Please note that although that is exactly what Stephen said on his show, I see no need to credit those words to him or to provide footnotes because this blog is not some sort of academic paper.) It seems he quoted passages from Wikipedia on at least two occasions. One was from "Gattaca" and the other from "Stand and Deliver." (One thing I like about Wikipedia is that it is often updated and current. Be sure to read the last paragraphs at both of those Wikipedia links. )

And for those of you who might not know who Rand Paul is, here's what Stephen said. And just for fun, go over to this completely different link and be sure to read the last paragraph in the section "Tenure" under "U.S. Senate career."

Poet Laureate, Billy Collins, was Stephen's guest. He's a popular poet which Stephen seems to think means he can't really be a Poet Laureate. Around 400 years ago in England, the job of the Poet Laureate was to document historical events. Nowadays, we have radio, TV, Internet, etc., but still we hang on to our Poet Laureate. "Aimless Love" is the book he wrote recently and also one of the poems in the book. The two men read from page 189 of the book and Stephen's audience loved it! So, it sounds like a great book. Go buy it.

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