Thursday, October 10, 2013

How to Draw A Menorah

The Shutdown continues, so nothing new there.

What is new is an attack on yet another holiday - Thanksgiving. In a rare occurrence, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah fall on the same day. It had Stephen concerned because now kids won't know whether to draw around one hand for a turkey or two hands for a menorah. So of course he demonstrated and of course it did not go well. Did not go well to the point of defacing his own face. It's worth a look over at Colbert Nation.

Stephen's guest on Tuesday was Paul Giamatti. He stars as Abraham Zapruder in the movie Parkland, about the assasination of John F. Kennedy. Paul Giamatti is, I think, one of those actors that is in so many movies and he just blends in to the part so well, that you don't even realize he's an actor. You almost don't notice or recognize him. I mean that as a compliment, so I hope he takes no offense. He is quite good. In fact, even though it is 2013, he has already been in movies that don't even happen until 2014! Incredible. Does he have a time machine?

Anyway, you can watch the trailer for the movie Parkland here.

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