Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Jay the Intern Panda or is it Jay the Panda Intern - Whatever

Yep the Government has shut down and Stephen is willing to help by taking on the duties of many of the government agencies. First off, the FDA. Stephen is willing to do drug testing and has started by taking some tiny little pills from a round pill dispenser that reminds me of a makeup compact. It belongs to his stage manager, Brenda, and I sure hope she won't have any problems from missing just a few of those tiny pills.

Panda Cam is also shut down. Even though it is run by volunteers, they are not allowed on the zoo grounds during the Government Shutdown. Just when I was going to start watching a cute little panda on a web cam, it goes dark. Jay to the rescue! Jay volunteered, or perhaps Stephen volunteered him, to dress like a Panda and perform in front of a web cam. Jay is so cute. No way could this ever turn out bad.

ObamaCare is Here! So are the glitches, the overloaded websites, the long waits for your computer to finally get with the show, and the error messages. While some are complaining, Stephen did point out that "Too many people signing up is always the surest sign that nobody wants it."

Stephen highlighted a glitch that no one else has thought of other than Sustern van Greta. "If I don't have a computer, what about me?" Good point because how could you possibly connect with someone in another city and communicate with them without actually being in the same place as them? Wow, there's another idea to make that work - it's called a phone. There are also Navigators to help you navigate your way to health insurance. Sustern van Greta admitted that she was clueless.

Stephen likened the ObamaCare Act, which need I remind you is the law of the land, to a scheme just like insurance. And we all now how insurance turned out, right? The White House has taken to tweeting adorable photos of animals and is calling it the Adorable Care Act. That is so cute. Meanwhile, the Koch Bros have hilarious ads of young people in examining rooms with a large headed Uncle Sam preparing to do the doctor examination. Wait a minute. Is that Jay the Intern under that Uncle Sam giant head? No, I guess it's someone else. Jay wouldn't do that.

Stephen highlighted some highlights of Hispanic Heritage Month, including the friendly folks over at Fox talking about Mexico not being our friend, or crimes committed by illegal aliens, or even Children of the Corn. Oh, those friends. They just can't help themselves, can they?

The good news is that there is actually a website, that has all kinds of wonderful information, I assume, about various aspects of Hispanic Heritage. I assume because I can't be sure. You see, it's the government shutdown and so that is not working now. But in this case, there is an alternative. You can go over to and find some info there. Hopefully calmer heads will prevail, the shutdown will end and everything will get back to normal soon.

Stephen's guest last night was Daniel Radcliffe. One of the first things they talked about is that Daniel Radcliffe is short. Thanks Stephen for pointing that out. Next Stephen talked a bit about the work Daniel Radcliffe has done so far, such as Harry Potter, Equus and How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.

"Are you afraid of being pigeon-holed as a young, attractive, successful actor who can also sing and dance?" asked Stephen. Wow. Ouch. Way to go right for the jugular after that comment about how tall he is.

The film that Daniel Radcliffe has been working on is "Kill Your Darlings." In it he plays Allen Ginsberg. Stephen put up a photo of Allen Ginsberg and for a few seconds I thought it was a mistake. The resemblance between Daniel Radcliffe and Allen Ginsberg is astounding. Interesting trivia here. Daniel Radcliffe is bilingual. He can speak British and American! A fascinating discussion of the two languages took place with lots of examples of different accents. Blimey.

After the legal obligatory utterance, "You're a wizard, Harry," by Stephen, he asked Daniel Radcliffe if he could take on Elijah Wood in a fight. (They are both about the same height.) A little bit of hesitation, and hemming and hawing, and then Daniel Radcliffe exclaimed, "Yes! Yes, I could."

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