Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Zappy Meal With a Side of Fry

If it' Tuesday it must be Mardi Gras. Stephen mentioned this in passing and then got right to the show. Ever since Stephen started his Super PAC with the goal of raising massive amounts of money, everyone else wants to get in on the act. In fact, more than 320 Super PACs have registered with the FEC. Obviously Stephen Colbert is a trend setter. But there is a problem. Nancy Pelosi has a commercial on TV showing her dislike of Stephen's SuperPAC and her support for the D.I.S.C.L.O.S.E. Act. That's "Disclosure of Information on Spending on Campaigns Leads to Open and Secure Elections" Act of 2012. You may remember I mentioned this in a previous post - Stop Colbert. This Act would force SuperPACS to reveal their top five donors. She even accuses Stephen of not liking kittens. Well, "Whiskers" and "Other Whiskers" (oooh, they're so cute) were on to prove that Stephen does indeed like Kittens. So there!

In tonight's Current Events segment, Stephen talked about UTB, Ultimate Taser Ball. It's just a whole lot of fun. I don't know that from personal experience, but from the videos that Stephen had on about this sport, I could tell without even playing it that it must be tons of fun. You run around on a field and try to score with a very large ball and also get to Taser players on the other team. Isn't that just the best thing you've heard of for getting exercise and having fun with your friends? Of course, they can also zap you back, so there is a downside.

Stephen had Robert Kagan on tonight. You may know Robert Kagan from the Brookings Institution or from his latest book, "The World America Made." There are a lot more democracies now and that is a good thing for the world. I'm somewhat surprised that Stephen did not call Kagan a "smarty pants" because I think he probably qualifies as being one. Over at Wikipedia it says Kagan has been listed as one of the world's "Top 100 Public Intellectuals." Stephen did get Kagan to say this on the show, "I think that when the president does the right thing it doesn't matter what party you're in, you should be willing to support him."

I wonder if Stephen asked him to contribute to the Colbert Super PAC.

Bonus Trivia: Taser (read about it at Wikipedia) was invented by Jack Cover and was named after his childhood hero Tom Swift (Thomas A. Swift's electric rifle).

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