Wednesday, February 15, 2012

History is History

History, indeed. How fitting since The Colbert Report is a rerun tonight. It's the show from January 31. You can read what I wrote about it here: Björk was the guest for that episode. I hope you did still watch tonight, it was a fun show. Stephen had good information and Björk was interesting.

If you don't remember, briefly here's what happened. We got to hear Mitt Romney sing America the Beautiful. (He does that a lot, along with telling everybody every time he speaks that he loves this country.) We learned that the Tennessee Tea Party wants history to be re-written so that it is nicer. Björk talked with Stephen and then sang.

If nothing else, go over to Björk's website and play around with that. It's neat, cool, fun, animated.

Lots of buzz on the internet about tonight being rerun. And lots of people concerned about Stephen and hoping all is well.

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