Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Was the Perfect Candidate

I know what you're thinking. Stephen Colbert was the perfect candidate for President of the United States. That is true. No one can deny that.

But actually it is someone else who is claiming that honor. Michele Bachmann. (And yes, Bachmannouri is one of the names for the new Moon state and it was named after her.) You can hear her say that she was the perfect candidate over at HuffPo along with a lot of other things. She talked with Bloomberg TV's Al Hunt for quite a while, although she also admitted that he wasn't going to get answers from her. He asked questions such as who is best out of the field of GOP candidates left standing. She must be biding her time so that she doesn't back a loser.

It's long, over twenty minutes, so if you have a short attention span, you might not get through all of it. But if you listen around 4:20 you can hear her say she was most conservative and that she was the perfect candidate.

Really? Really? I wish someone would ask that question of Stephen Colbert. He is the most conservative and he is the perfect candidate. There can't be two who are most conservative, because "most" automatically means the person at the top of the list.

Perhaps the way to really judge who is perfect is to just ask yourself this: Who has his own TV show? Yes, we can tell who is best my simply remembering that he has a TV show and she doesn't.

Glad I could shed some light on that issue.

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