Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1000 Shows, 100 Years

Tonight Stephen announced that it was the 1000th show for The Colbert Report! That translates into 500 hours of watching Stephen on TV. We are all smarter because of his dedication.

It should come as no surprise that politics was again on the menu. Stephen wondered why President Obama doesn't do something about rising gasoline prices. To help him wonder, John Kilduff, Founding Partner of Again Capital, came on the show to explain stuff. For one thing, the world market sets the price based on how much is produced and how much is used. Every year in spring the price of gas goes up - that is the way it is and should surprise no one. We still import 2/3 of our gasoline and new sources here will still take years to develop. And yes, alternative fuels is absolutely something we should be looking into.

Girl Scouts celebrate 100 years! Would you like a Girl Scout Cookie? You might want to know something first. According to Bob Morris, (Republican Representative in Indiana), Girl Scouts are bad. They are a "radicalized organization that promotes abortion and homosexuality." How does he know this? Well, it was on the internet.

"I did a small amount of web-based research and what I found is disturbing."
..... Bob Morris on February 18, 2012

I suspect he didn't really do a lot of serious research. He should have looked here, at Girl Scouts of the USA: Official Web Site. I did (research) and found that some of the partners that have helped Girl Scouts include:

Alcoa Foundation
The Coca-Cola Company
The Goizueta Foundation
Hereford N. Elliot Trust
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Kappa Delta Sorority
Lockheed Martin
MetLife Foudation
Motorola Solutions Foundation
New York Life Foundation
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Trane USA

And then there are these Affiliates:

Alpine Training Services
American Heart Association's Go Red For Women
Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School
Earth Hour
EF Tours
Global Explorers
Hostelling International
Independent Television Service
Kappa Delta Sorority
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Council for International Visitors
National School Boards Association
National Urban League
Outward Bound Wilderness
Peace Corps
Plastic Pollution Coalition
United Nations
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
U.S. Green Building Council
U.S. Space & Rocket Center
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Either he knows something they don't know
they know something he doesn't know.

But, on to Economics and tonight's guest. Ross Eisenbrey was on the show and he talked about interns. Stephen knows a lot about interns, and we often get to see Jay the Intern helping out on the show. I did not realize this, but Jay the Intern has been on the show for 6 1/2 years.

Ross Eisenbrey and Stephen both seem to agree that internships are good. However, Ross is more in favor of paid internships and paying everyone who works, while Stephen thinks paying is not actually that important. "What is With the law and Paying People?"

Finally, for the happy part of the show - Stephen has done 1000 shows. He gets a ticket each time he does a show and now he has enough to cash in for a prize. That was his goal all along, to amass 1000 tickets. With his goal met, is there really any need for the show to go on??????

Tune in tomorrow when the guest will be William Shatner, (or not, if Stephen decides 1000 shows are enough).

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