Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's February 29, 2012 and you know what that means. Leap Year and Leap Day! I hope you have been leaping instead of walking today. I'm sure if you tell little kids it's Leap Day and suggest that they leap, there's probably 10% of the kids that will take you up on that suggestion and leap around the house all day long.

I did not want to let this day go buy without acknowledging the importance of it, but what should I write about? I didn't want to do the usual explanation of why we have leap year every four years (because our years are actually 365.25 days long) but I didn't want to highlight something really, really obscure.

Luckily, I found it over at today. Regular readers will know that I usually look at bing each day to see what the photo is. Today there is a frog. And then I realized what I needed to write about! The frog is LEAPING!!!!! Even better than that, if you move your mouse around and then click on the square on the left side, on the one that says, "The approach: Flawless. The takeoff: Superb. The landing: A bit sticky." you can watch a 2-minute YouTube video, complete with dramatic music and awesome close-up photography. If you are a bit squeamish, I will tell you that the frog does just fine.

By the way, if you do take a look at, you might want to look at the previous day's photo of a really "cool" ice sculpture.

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