Thursday, May 23, 2013

The National

Here's a quick and short summary of last night's show.

* MC Tangerine Dream wants someone to go to jail over the IRS hullabaloo. (I'm assuming he doesn't care who it is, just pick someone and haul them away.)

* Lois Lerner took the Fifth. I thought there were only three bases that a player could take, and then of course Home Plate. Oh, the Fifth Amendment. That's different. Never mind.

* The boys from Kentucky, Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, want industrial hemp legalized. Here's a quote from Rand Paul: "I'm fascinated by the paper thing ... one acre of hemp is equal to two acres of trees. Trees take 15 years  and hemp one season. Somebody said the Declaration of Independence is on hemp paper. I don't know if that's true or not. I've heard it though."
- May 14, 2013

* The "Rich" are hiring disabled people for the going price of $130 per hour or $1000 per day at Walt Disney World. To pretend to be one of their family members. In order to go the the front of the line! So they can cheat everyone else who dutifully waits their turn in line. Stephen called them the Resourceful Rich Set.

* Stephen briefly interviewed Matt Berninger from The National and then we got to hear music. Lucky you. If you did not watch them on The Colbert Report, you can go over to Colbert Nation, and in addition to catching last night's show online, you can hear a bonus song.

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