Friday, May 31, 2013

Hear It Here

I wasn't going to write anything else until Stephen is back with the news of the day, but a few stories caught my eye. For sure I wasn't going to write anything more about this person, but the media just keeps finding new stuff to write about. Fine, it's about Michele Bachmann and also Jim Graves. Jim Graves almost beat her last time, so now that she has dropped out, it looks better for him, maybe. But now there's an even bigger twist. Jim Graves is not going to run. He figures no one could be as bad as she is, so anybody would be an improvement. However, Philip Bump (no relation to Colbert Bump) has another idea. Maybe she will jump back in at the last minute. He said in the last sentence, "You heard it here first." Therefore, I wanted to give him another platform to talk about this. If he does prove to have figured it all out, well, I think I will ask him for good numbers to choose for the Lottery. You didn't hear it first here at The Colbert Bump, but, you did hear it here.

But the second news item that caught my eye is for women only. So men, you can stop reading now.

It's about bras and I'm quite sure Stephen would definitely have this covered. Jockey thinks it can come up with a whole new bra sizing system. Wrong. The current bra sizing system is written in stone and is as old as the hills. No one can mess with that system.

As if that isn't bad enough, they have a "Fit Kit". And it only costs $19.95! To find out what your size is!! Sure, you get a $20 email coupon, but that just means you will have to buy one of their bras in order to get the $20 back!!! And really, ladies, what are you going to do if none of their bras fit you? They have only ten cup sizes. What if you are the eleventh size cup? You'll be left out in the cold. And you know what they say about cold.

The only way to know if a bra fits is to try it on. Just like shoes, you really need to try the article on to see if it fits you. If the shoe fits, please wear it on your foot. And if the... oh, never mind.

Men, you can start reading this blog again.

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