Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Have No Idea Who Casey Kasem Is

This is upsetting. The FDA says that people (and by people I mean female people) as young as 15 years old can now get the Morning After Pill (Plan B) at their pharmacy without a prescription. Of course this is upsetting to Stephen and also to so many conservative men in their sixties. Surely these conservative men in their sixties know what is best for the reproductive health for people (and by people I mean female people) who are 15 years old (or 25 or 35 or 45). "Manny" worries that soon we will have to give the pill out to babies. Stephen reminded us that it has probably already begun. Have you ever seen a pregnant baby???

Stephen talked guns and gun control. Which brings us to tonight's word: N.R.A.-vana. And it also brought a bit of nostalgia as Stephen talked about his first show when he coined the word truthiness. Truthiness is that natural human desire to ignore facts, and to go with what you feel in your gut. Stephen had a quote for us from Kevin Williamson from April 18, 2013. "... it should be noted that being shot in the head by a lunatic does not give one any special grace to pronounce upon public-policy questions ..." Stephen noted the medical problem that Kevin Williamson suffers from.

Another quote that Stephen shared with us is from Bob Davis on April 12 of this year from the radio gig he does with former Republican gubernatorial candidate, Tom Emmer. That would be "Davis & Emmer in the Morning." Bob Davis said, "I'm sorry that you suffered a tragedy but you know what? Deal with it and don't force me to lose my liberty which is a greater tragedy that your loss." Surely we don't want to make Bob Davis have to fill out some form at a gun show. ("Top That, Westboro Baptist!") Stephen continued with the continuation of what Bob Davis said. "I'm sick and tired of seeing these victims trotted out, given rides on Air Force One, hauled into the Senate well and everyone is just afraid, they're terrified of these victims. I would stand in front of them and tell them "Go to Hell."

A Sandy Hook resident offered to fly Bob Davis to Newtown to actually tell them to go you-know-where, but he has not responded to that offer of a free plane ride.

There has been no reply from Bob Davis. And that's the Word.

Stephen's guest tonight was plural. So it was guests and they were Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Stephen is a fan and yet he has a beef with them. They released their album independently. This is bad for corporations and isn't that really what music is all about?

Why would anyone do that? Well, they get to do it their way and they get more money. Can't argue with that logic.

Stephen talked about the older days of Rock and Roll and mentioned Casey Kasem. (Who?) They talked about celebrity status and the need for wearing wigs, baseball caps, and sunglasses when going to the local plant store to buy some mulch.

Of course here was a performance of Same Love from The Heist. Also there to sing with them was Mary Lambert. And of course it was great. And of course there is a bonus song (not yet, but soon) over at Colbert Nation. Of course.

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