Friday, August 10, 2012

You're Gonna Make It After All

Stephen started out honoring Michele Bachmann for her unrelenting search for people who are different from her. See more about that in previous post about John McCain.

Speaking of Minnesota, Stephen is getting caught up with Better Know a District. The 67th Installment was the Fighting 5th District in Minnesota, the area that includes Minneapolis. There you can find the Hennepin Avenue Bridge crossing the Mississippi (and the Ippississim), the Walker Art Center, the Spoon Bridge, and the home of Prince. We got to see some typical winter wear for Minnesota cold winters. And Stephen sat down, in a room, with three term Congressman Keith Ellison.

Keith Ellison is a Muslim, in fact, he is the first Muslim elected to Congress. Stephen called him the very first secret Muslim. Congressman Ellison told him he is not a secret Muslim, at which point Stephen said he is the first openly secret Muslim in Congress. He then asked the Congressman to say to his friends, "Stephen's cool." Keith complied and said, "Steve's cool."

The discussion turned to Michele Bachmann and her recent hunt for the aforementioned people who are different than her. "How much infiltration is there?" asked Stephen. "None," replied Congressman Ellison. But then, apparently, Stephen caught him in some sort of weird logic trap. And I only say weird because in college I learned that when something is illogical, you can not use it to prove something logically. But I digress.

"Are you a Muslim?"
"Yes sir."
"Do you have siblings?
"Yes sir."
"So you are literally a Muslim brother."
"I guess."
"I just caught you."

Stephen went on to say that a little witch hunt never hurt anyone, however, the Congressman disagreed. "It hurts a lot of people." He believes it is better to be fair.

So, who is Congressman Keith Ellison supporting for president? He was asked three times and answered each time, "Obama." Stephen tried a different tactic to get him to change his mind. What about if Mitt Romney called Keith Ellison and asked him to be the Vice President candidate? To make it easier for the viewers, Stephen had the two of them act out the phone call between Mitt Romney and Keith Ellison. Stephen played the part of Mitt, and Keith played the part of Keith. Even so, Keith turned Mitt down. That did not seem to register with Stephen/Mitt who seemed to think that the answer had been yes. Truthiness, perhaps?

Anyway, Minneapolis is also home to Mary Tyler Moore. There was a great sing-along of the theme song from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. And then, to conclude the interview, Stephen convinced Keith Ellison to toss a hat up in the air

It is not easy being interviewed for the Better Know a District segment, but Congressman Ellison did a fairly decent job answering Stephen's questions. I imagine we can be looking for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann to show up soon on the show. Stephen must have so many questions he would like to ask her. I can hardly wait.

Who's honoring him now? Or as Stephen would say, who's honoring me now? Apparently, well he's not really being honored, more like mentioned. But, psychologists in Canada and New Zealand have found truth in truthiness. And, people are more likely to say something was true if there was a decorative picture to go along with a statement. Stephen believed the research. After all, there was a picture of him. He was uncomfortable that science was used to prove this. He would have preferred that truthinessiness proved the truth about truthiness.

Stephen's guest was Woody Harrelson. He has written and directed the off-Broadway play, "Bullet for Adolf." Lest you think he just came on the show to promote this, let me reassure you. He didn't. He just shamelessly sucked up to Stephen and then casually unbuttoned his shirt a bit where we notice  what looks like a huge tattoo for "Bullet for Adolf." Stephen assumed this was the sequel to "The Sound of Music," but no, it is not anything like that show. Stephen doesn't often get gifts from the guests, but Woody Harrelson was kind enough to give him a T-shirt. And it just happened to be a "Bullet For Adolph" shirt. What's the chances of that happening, right?

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