Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Will Be a Complete Jerk To Her

Last night was a lot of fun at the Republican National Convention and Stephen covered pretty much everything from the previous night because of all that, well, time delay and taping the show early and you know, technical stuff. Stephen talked about Mitt Romney. He talked about Reince Priebus. He talked about Dustin Hoffman. He talked about Ann Romney. There was hardly anyone he didn't talk about.

Ann Romney talked about "Love" and then Chris Christie told us to choose "Respect" over "Love." So, kind of a road bump there. And then Stephen told us what we can look forward to according to  Matt Rhoades, campaign manager for Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney wants to be just like Jim. James Polk that is. The possibilities are exciting especially when you consider that Romney and Ryan's positions are older than Polk's. (Stephen was playing a drinking game last night. He took a lot of sips, so not as much talking as usual for him.)

Stephen gave a shout-out to Libertarians last night, namely Rand Paul and Ron Paul who currently is in Orlando. He also reminded us that it would be the Vice Coronation of Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan. This just naturally led in to a talk about Ayn Rand. We got to see how Paul Ryan, a devoted fan of Ayn Rand, celebrated her 100th birthday. (Nice hat!) And this is what Paul Ryan said about Ayn Rand back on February 2, 2005:

"The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand. I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what by beliefs are. It's inspired me so much that it's required reading in my office for all my interns."

Stephen summed up Ayn Rand's message and said how it fits so well for the interns of Paul Ryan. "You should work for free and think exactly what your boss tells you to."

Fast forward to August 14 of this year. He agrees but disagrees with Ayn Rand, so that is perfectly clear.

Stephen's guest was Jennifer Burns. Stephen promised to be a complete jerk to her. They talked about her book Goddess of the Market and about Ayn Rand. I haven't read her book or Ayn Rand's books. But I also haven't read Paul Ryan's Republican Budget, so I am being fair to all of them - no favorites.

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