Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We Mars'd It

Curiosity touched down SUCCESSFULLY on Mars. Now everyone is curious. Is there life on Mars? Apparently there did seem to be some sort of feline life, but the Rover landed on top of it. Curiosity killed the cat. But citizens, are there any citizens on Mars? That's the real question. Perhaps this will answer that question. And for lots more information and pictures, yes pictures, head over to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Dan Cathy's confession ran AFOWL of supporters of the LGBT community. Of course, part of the media circus is because of the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day suggested and promoted by Walking Fried Food Museum Mike Huckabee. Stephen noted that while it may have been the best day in history for the fast food restaurant, it was the worst day in history for the chickens. It's time to put this story about Chick-fil-A to bed, but Stephen just had to get in one last jab with his "ran AFOWL" comment. I have never seen Mr. Colbert look smirkier. Cluck, cluck, Stephen. Cluck cluck.

Pete Seeger was the guest. He is a living legend and having him on the show was even better than having Paul Bunyan or Johnny Appleseed show up. Pete Seeger is still going strong. He lives in the country. He heats his home with wood and therefore spends some of his time splitting logs. This impressed Stephen immensely, who, at age 48, claims you can stick him with a fork because he is done.

Stephen was able to put the responsibility for gay marriage smack dab on the shoulders of Pete Seeger by the simple method of basically making it up. Starting with the folk revival that Pete Seeger was instrumental (pun) in, Stephen went on to Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Woodstock, Sexual Revolution, Bill Clinton, and therefore gay marriage.

I found this great article over at Huffington Post by Peter Dreier about Pete Seeger. Lots more stuff than we learned from Stephen's interview. There's even the lyrics to the song "Quite Early Morning" at the end of Dreier's post.

Watch in the future for another post about Pete Seeger. There's more to the story of Pete Seeger than one post can do justice to.

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