Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rachel Rachel Rachel

Really? You're calling me again? Oh Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. How can I miss you if you won't go away? Or, technically, if you won't stop calling me. It's been less than two weeks since you last called me with your baloney (bologna?) about my Credit Card. This time, according to Caller ID, you actually called from the same number as earlier this month: 503-902-8479. Why is that? You never identify which credit card I have. You say there's no problem but yet it is urgent that I call about eligibility to lower my interest rate.

Oh Rachel of Cardholder Services, please stop calling me. I will not take the bait no matter how many times you call.

If you did not read the post from April 7, here's the link again to FTC Action Puts Robocallers Out of the Telemarketing Business.

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