Monday, April 2, 2012

Karf Fnarglezox

You will need a Secret Decoder Ring to find out what Karf Fnarglezox means. And you are in luck because you can get a Secret Decoder Ring in the Super Fun Pack that you order from the Colbert Super PAC. Be sure to read the newsletter. It has more details. For a mere $99 you can get a box, an actual green box with instructions for starting your own Super PAC. And you get the ring and a beautiful green "Turtles Don't Like Peanut Butter" t-shirt. And you get a treasure map. With this treasure map you can find the treasure. Whoever finds the treasure will get a visit to the American University of their choice from none other than the actual Stephen Colbert. And I found out tonight you also get a 1-pound Karl Rove Hamlet so that you can get strategic political advice right up until the election (or until you get the munchies and eat the ham). It has all the brains of Karl Rove but with half the sodium. So what are you waiting for? Already 400 college students have ordered Super Fun Packs.

Tonight Stephen rolled out a treat for us - Yahweh or No Way. First up was Holy Rollers: The True Story of Card Counting Christians. Now I must admit that when I was young, I would do this. I would always count the cards in the deck to make sure there were 52 cards plus the jokers. Apparently, it is somewhat more sophisticated than that in Las Vegas. (Next up was the Pope, but he got No Way because Stephen didn't think the Pope needed his own personal cologne in order to impress the ladies.)

Tonight's guest as Gary Johnson. Now, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of Gary Johnson's out there, so this is the one who was governor of New Mexico and is running for president on the Libertarian ticket. The Libertarian Party Convention will be in Las Vegas from May 2 through May 6. I'm wondering if the Libertarians will meet any of the Christian Card Counters when they are in Las Vegas. Gary Johnson was at first running to get the Republican nomination for president. But due to many factors, that did not work out well, so he switched parties. It seems like that would be quite a switch for someone, but these things do happen.

One note of caution to anyone who uses computers. Do not use Karf Fnarglezox for a password. Those two words have now become very common and thus not good passwords. Use this instead:

Xozelgranf Frak.

1 comment:

Anna Rutherfordium said...

I love Colbert too!
As soon as I get my 99$ and a college acceptation letter i am buying me onee!
P.S. neither of those will happen soon :( :(
Anna #inmyheart :D