Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Lights, Cameron, Action. That's right, James Cameron was indeed the guest tonight. And my TV did have the caption when the show started saying Ben Rattray was the guest, so yes I am still curious. Was James Cameron a bonus catch, a better guest because of all the interest about the Titanic for the 100th Anniversary of the night it sank? Or was Ben Rattray suddenly unavailable? It was a good show tonight, but I would like to know about these last minute changes.

But enough about that. Stephen talked a little bit about the war on women. He did not talk much because I don't think he likes war, but he does like women. Everyone does seem to be hopping on the bandwagon on this issue. Even Jon Stewart had a segment on The Daily Show last night about policies about women and similar policies about men. It is about 9:20 into the show here if you want to watch that. I Googled War on Women and found lots of results. Here's one website with ten different examples. After the list of ten examples you will find links to the Sources so you can read more about it. The good news is that horses are still getting the medications they need. If you have time on your hands, Google War on Women and then click on Images. Lots of funny cartoons and posters to see.

Are you aware that the Cold War went on for many years regardless of the temperature? It made no difference if it was cold and snowing or hot and sizzling. Stephen brought up the Cold War because of statements made by Florida Representative Allen West. The Congressman has been hearing things lately (voices in his head???), as in, "I've heard 80 House Democrats are Communist Party Members." Unfortunately, Representative Allen West won't name names. Darn. Interestingly enough, Stephen showed a poll where Congress had a 9% approval rating while "U.S. going Communist" was at 11%. I don't know what that means, but it was interesting.

James Cameron, the man who set the record for going solo to Earth's deepest depths, was interviewed by the world's shallowest man. Stephen said that, I'm just repeating it. The two men discussed things that could have been done to the movie Titanic so that is would have made more money. I agree that those were things that could have been done. But as pertains to making a 2-D movie into a 3-D movie, well, it took a lot of effort. For 14 months, 300 computer artists worked on making every image into a 3-D image. I wonder if it would have been easier to just film the whole thing over again, but maybe James Cameron knows more about movie making than I do.

Mariana Trench - This sounds like a really fun place to go to. And that is where James Cameron went recently. Okay fine, but then it started getting ugly with James Cameron and Stephen each trying to outdo the other in explaining where the Mariana Trench is. "It is in the Pacific Ocean." "It's near Guam." "It's by the Federated States of Micronesia." And then they started calling each other names, ending with, "I'm Canadian,* *." Wow! But of course, Stephen, diplomat that he is, said, "I accept your apology."

It was ten hours for the whole dive in a very small vessel. That means don't drink a lot of iced tea and don't eat beans before the trip down. James Cameron went 500 feet down and then it was dark and he kept going until he was about 36,000 feet down.

What a great place this would be for an amusement park. Why did neither man even think of this? I should get going on my idea. It could be called the "Most Harsh Extreme Environment on Earth Amusement Park." Great idea if I do say so myself.

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