Saturday, April 7, 2012


Rachel called me. Again. The Caller ID said Pacifictel. She shouldn't be doing this. Here's why:

FTC Action Puts Robocallers Out of the Telemarketing Business.

If you haven't gotten a call from them yet, you can hear what they say. On the FTC website, scroll down to the 7th Paragraph, the one that starts out, "To hear telemarketing sales pitches..." and click on any of those links. It's Credit Card audio 2 that has Rachel on it and she is the one who always calls me.

Every time it's a different number that shows up on Caller ID. And businesses like this don't abide by the Do Not Call List. I haven't read through all this information on the FTC website here, but I plan on reading more of it soon. There are also tips for consumers about dealing with Rachel and all her cohorts.

Hopefully she won't call you anytime soon. If she does, just hang up.

* Update: She called me yet again on April 19.

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