Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Boneless Chicken

Stephen started out highlighting the humor of Mitt Romney. He even had a clip of Mitt Romney talking about the funny things they did at their house. Unfortunately, even Mitt admits that kind of stuff "can't be repeated on the air." So I guess we will never know what happened.

Thought For Food
Starbucks has some mighty tasty and very pretty pink beverages. And it is ground up bugs that give it that nice pink color. Vegetarians are upset because they assumed they were getting vegetarian food. I wonder how they can be really upset. It probably isn't a lot of bugs per drink. And don't they eat the occasional bug when they walk around with their mouth open. Even if you are just talking or laughing, a bug can sneak in your open mouth.

Stephen used the example of pizza and hot dogs to illustrate what infinity means. Just think of a pizza stuffed with a hot dog. Then think of a hot dog stuffed with a pizza. Then a pizza stuffed with a hot dog. Keep going on and on. There you have infinity!

Boneless chicken - enough said.

Fox News has uncovered yet another thing that we can all be outraged about. The GSA spent way too much money in Las Vegas. Apparently and contrary to what we have heard, what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas.

Are you a creative person? Please say yes. Young children usually are glad to say that they are creative. By the time kids are in high school, most think they are not creative. Stephen's guest, Jonah Ledher discussed creativity and his most recent book, Imagine - How Creativity Works. Fascinating discussion. He encourages day dreaming, relaxing and other more popular techniques to get those creative ideas flowing.

From now on, when you are just sitting around and doing nothing, tell people that you are being creative.

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