Friday, April 20, 2012


First of all, I have been doing quite well in the predicting the future department, if I do say so myself. I was writing about bologna (baloney) in the Rachel Rachel Rachel post yesterday and about Time magazine in Wednesday's post about I'm an Idiot. Last night Stephen talked about bologna(baloney) and Time magazine. So, pretty good for me.

But not as good as Cory Booker. He's the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey and recently ran into a burning building to fetch a woman and carry her out to safety. For that he gets Stephen's Alpha Dog of the Week.

Stephen had a fascinating trip to the lunch counter via everything we wanted to know about the illegal transport of bologna(baloney) into this country from Mexico. No one should be surprised though. Stephen had actual video footage of Janet Riley, the Queen of Wien,  reading the ingredients. It makes me think that now any of us could go out and make our own bologna(baloney).

In his tribute to his own humility, Stephen did actually casually mention his appearance in Time Magazine as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the World. You can even see his driver's license photo of him if you buy the magazine. Or you can look online here.

Last night's guest was not a guest, but two guests. Tavis Smiley and Cornel West were on to talk about their book, "The Rich and the Rest of Us." Stephen said that he doesn't believe there are poor people. If that was the case, how could Tavis Smiley and Cornel West have written this book? That is something to think about. The two recently went on a bus tour to 18 cities to help highlight this issue. There's a lot of information (over at their website), so take a look and find out more than even Stephen learned last night.

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