Thursday, September 15, 2011

King of Magic

Pop Quiz for you. Which one of the following people did not appear on the show tonight?

A) Representative Louie Gohmert
B) Jimmy Fallon
C) Anderson Cooper
D) David Copperfield

If you guessed Rush Limbaugh, you didn't even look at the choices. Sheesh.

The answer is A) Representative Louis Gohmert. Although Stephen did talk about Louie Gohmert, he was not technically on the show. If the name seems familiar but you can't remember why, go back and read about him at Manatee of the Airwaves.

But as for who really showed up tonight... well, Stephen's BFF, I mean, Best Friend for Six Months, Jimmy Fallon was there to chat about the good times in the last six months. And then the truth hit both of them. Six months is up. They are no longer Best Friends. Nothing left for them but to be --- gasp --- Eternal Enemies for Six Months. However it's not as bad as it seems. Both of these superstars are up for an Emmy in the same category and yet Jimmy Fallon is man enough to say that he hopes Stephen wins and Stephen is man enough to say "Yeah."

Next, and I totally did not see this coming, Anderson Cooper was there on the show. Not on the show, but in the audience that was on the show. Okay, it was just a short walk-on bit where he didn't actually walk on, but he was there and he did talk and he didn't laugh so that almost qualifies as being a guest.

And then, almost as if by magic, David Copperfield dazzled us with his ability to sit and talk with Stephen. We can all agree that Stephen is remarkable, talented, with has many awards. But even Stephen acknowledged that David Copperfield is amazing and remarkable and impressive. And Stephen is not the only one who thinks so. Check out Wikipedia about David Copperfield. And look at this latest news to see who is the first-ever King of Magic.

It was a typical interview for Stephen and David Copperfield. And that made me extremely happy. I was worried that Copperfield would make Stephen disappear and not bring him back. It would have made future episodes of The Colbert Report very boring. Anyway, David Copperfield wrote the foreword for the book, "Brainworks the Mind-Bending Science of How You See, What You Think and Who You Are," written by Michael S. Sweeney and printed by National Geographic. It sounds intriguing and I think I might go out and buy it.

If magic is of interest to you, go to Colbert Nation and watch tonight's show online if you did not see it on the TV machine. You can see Stephen make a coin disappear. Yes, he makes an actual coin actually disappear!

Then, in what can only be described as a mix of magic, mind control and psychic abilities, Stephen predicted what card I would be thinking of. Hint: It's the Ace of Hearts.

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