Monday, September 26, 2011

It Is Enough That It Be "Truthy"

I read a really excellent column by Leonard Pitts Jr. Of The Miami Herald recently. It is about Steven Miles and Arthur Caplan offering $11,000 to charity if someone can prove a link between vaccinations for human papillomavirus and intellectual disability.

This comes after Michele Bachmann said in interviews "She said her daughter was given that vaccine. She said her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result of that vaccine."

Go read the column by Pitts now. I'll wait while you do.

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Okay, did you read it? Pitts makes some very good points. And did you notice that he also mentions Stephen Colbert? That definitely caught my attention. He also wrote about Jon Kyl. You may remember I wrote about Jon Kyl here and here when Kyl's office excused his bogusivity comments because what he (Kyl) said "was not intended to be a factual statement."

So, $11,000 is up for grabs (for a charity), so do your research and claim that money. Wait a minute, wait just a minute! A link between vaccinations for human papillomavirus and intellectual disability..............

Can anyone tell me if Michele Bachmann had the HPV vaccination?

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