Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chilean Model

Here's a quick wrap-up of the GOP debates from last night, courtesy of Stephen Colbert.

Herman Cain believes in the Chilean Model for fixing Social Security. Stephen appreciates Chilean Models.

Ron Paul says that getting rid of the minimum wage would help the poor. I suppose maybe if they earned less money they would have more money??? No, that doesn't make sense, because if you earn less money you have less money.

Rick Parry was the winner according to Stephen. He knows about science and how badly that worked out for Galileo. (Because Galileo claimed that the Earth revolved around the Sun and not vice versa, the Catholic Church basically found him guilty of heresy.) And he has the best record as far as death row inmates. While Rick Parry has been Governor, 234 inmates have been executed. (I wonder which of the ten commandments that falls under.)

Also, Rick Parry is so popular because he sure seems to be in favor of getting rid of Social Security. It's about time we stop sending grandma and grandpa an average of $1,177 of month just because they are old and paid in to Social Security when they were working.

Barack Obama gave a speech to the Joint Session of Congress. Without listening to the speech, Mitch McConnell already knew what the President would say and already knew that he doesn't agree with it. That would make him a psychic.

Does anyone know if Mitch McConnell likes peanut butter? I suppose it's common knowledge that he doesn't. Yeah, we can probably say Mitch McConnell doesn't like peanut butter.

But anyway, the President was to talk about the number one issue facing the nation - Jobs. There are a lot of people out of work. They don't have a job. (I wonder if that could mean that people who do have jobs are not so secure and perhaps are very careful about what they do so that they don't lose their jobs. One thing that would make a boss unhappy with an employee would be if that employee doesn't show up for work.)

Sadly, David Vitter (R-LA) will not be able to listen to the President talk about jobs because David Vitter will be skipping work to have a football party. On the one hand, there's watching a football game. On the other hand, there's going to work. But I think David Vitter's plan was actually in tribute to all the unemployed people. He was showing solidarity with them by not being at his job. And that has got to help all the people who are unemployed. It won't help them get a job, but it will help them to feel good for a day knowing that David Vitter isn't on the job. Okay, I'm not explaining this well enough to show how important it is for David Vitter to put pleasure before obligation. I'll do some more thinking and try to come up with reasons why David Vitter is doing the right thing.

But what a treat for Colbertians tonight. A broadcast legend interviewed Tom Brokaw. And I noticed something very interesting tonight with the interview. It was different. Stephen did a lot more listening than he usually does and let the guest do most of the talking. It was very unusual!

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