Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ohio. That's what the Caller ID said and then this number was displayed: 513-241-5622. I always wonder whether or not I should even answer the phone when I don't recognize the caller. But you never know. It could be important.

But, it wasn't. Just a pitch to get a subscription to a newsletter. Was it for Franciscans, is that what she said?

"I'm not interested. "

Only $32 per year. Good articles. Inspirational. Blah blah blah. And they would then pray for me. Wow, I can buy influence with God! Shouldn't that be free? Shouldn't I just pray for myself since I would probably know exactly what I needed?

"I'm Not Interested. "

More blah blah blah and then she did hang up.

I wonder. If I had taken the subscription offer, would I get future mailings asking for more money? Would I get another call asking me to subscribe to their magazine next time? And then buy a book next time after that?

The best way to be assured of more telemarketer calls is to give in and buy what they offer just to make them go away. Hint: They never go away. They just keep coming back for more.

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