Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vertical Cooking Technology

First of all, Boston. Stephen changed his usual start of the show to talk words of encouragement and support to the wonderful people of Boston and in Boston for the Marathon. No doubt there will be ways that we can help in the coming weeks. Be generous but also be cautious. When donating money, be sure you are donating to a legitimate organization. If someone comes to your door or approaches you on the street asking for money to help the victims, you should probably be a little wary.

Also a way you can help is to donate blood. Not because it is going to be shipped to Boston, but because it is a good habit to get into. The supply of blood to be used for accident victims, cancer patients, etc. always is low in the summer. So find out how to donate in your community and make an appointment to do so this summer. It doesn't hurt that much, not much more than a mosquito bite. The technicians and volunteers are super nice. And it helps people.

Stephen is worried about the coming cicada invasion. Even more worrisome to him though is that the last invasion was 17 years ago and he has aged a lot since then. Poor Stephen. (Hey, you still look just fine to me.)

Stephen is always concerned about good health practices. Last night he emphasized the importance of a good breakfast each morning.

The NRCC is on top of the best website designs. Cute comes to mind but also personal responsibility. For example, shouldn't that cat show some initiative? Okay, that was a photo of a cat with the heading, "I Can Haz Erned Cheezburger?" Anyway, the website is cute while also being informative. You can find 13 Animals that are really bummed on ObamaCare's Third Birthday,

So many TV shows have cooking segments. I wish Stephen would have a cooking segment each night, but he doesn't. Perhaps after reading this post (I'm sure he reads this every day) he will get on the bandwagon and share some wonderful family recipes with us. But what he could do is share with us some wonderful inventions and recipes for cooking eggs. Vertical Cooking Technology is going to be the wave of the future. Personally I have been so bored with my current Horizontal Cooking Technology. It's been that way since the first cave woman cooked for her man. I assume that, I'm not that old, so not entirely sure. Anyway, this new technology makes for an easy to eat shape. However, it could be easier. Stephen demonstrated. It looks easy and delicious.

I tried to write a poem for the next section, but I'm just not much of a poemist, so I'll just write as usual. Caroline Kennedy was the guest last night. Her most recent book is "Poems to Learn by Heart." It was great because Stephen and Caroline Kennedy had a poem-off. I'm not sure who won because they both kept spouting off poetry lines. Obviously they both have memorized quite a bit of this wonderful branch of literature.

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