Thursday, April 11, 2013

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

Somehow Stephen was able to link Iran, the Navy, Lasers, cats, Cher and a dollar bill all together in his first story. Did you know that it only costs a dollar to use a laser cannon to evaporate enemy drones out of the atmosphere and send them spiraling into the ocean? I hope I got that right, I'm not an expert on military capability. Stephen showed the actual dollar needed to drop a drone down into the depths of the sea. Funny thing though. It seems like it was a generic dollar because there were no serial numbers on the dollar bill. Maybe a laser burned the numbers off the dollar bill. Anyway, this laser cannon can go up against anything except for bad weather, water vapor, smoke, sand, or dust.

Stephen had a special segment of Tip of the Hat Wag of the Finger because the United Nations is trying to curtail guns. Although the United States voted for that resolution, Syria, Iran and North Korea voted against it. Also showing support against it was the National Rifle Association. Stephen calls these three countries and the NRA the Axis of Freedom. Stephen went on to argue with "Greg" about gun control, demonstrating that it was actually good that evil guy Hitler had a gun because Hitler shot himself with that gun.

Soon it will be time to vote for a new Mayor in New York. There are many potential candidates for that soon to be vacant office, including Anthony Weiner. Stephen highlighted some of highs and lows of Anthony Weiner's political career. But of course the best part of this segment was all the "High Fives" that Stephen and someone (maybe Michael Stipe?) performed to bring a little excitement to the segment.

Shane Smith, wearing his formal t-shirt, was the guest last night. He is all about Vice. Vice is even on HBO. I had always thought that vice was either the assistant to someone else or the part of the police department that goes after the really naughty crimes. But there is news, entertainment, even fashion in the Vice magazine although Stephen did point out that naked ladies or naked men does not really encompass "fashion" since they are not wearing clothes. We got to see a video clip of a recent trip to Afghanistan/Pakistan border which was interesting. Shane Smith considers himself a storyteller. When asked if the stories were accurate, Shane Smith said yes. Stephen asked why. He replied that they have to be accurate. Again, Stephen asked why. It was actually Vice that sent Dennis Rodman over to North Korea. Stephen thanked him for sending Rodman there. In light of that, perhaps we will see Dennis Rodman on the show soon. It could happen....

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