Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poop Power - I Have a Business Card

The big news in the world is how many followers @PrezBillyJeff has. Last night Stephen noted that in just 24 hours, Billy Jeff Clinton has 88,076 followers. Now there are 131,717 and that will probably go up by the time I'm done writing this post. It is the epitome of the famous "The Colbert Bump." Also of interest to the Colbert Nation would be to follow the Clinton Foundation Twitter Feed  @ClintonTweet .

Most of you reading this did not attend the Clinton Global Initiative University in St. Louis. I wasn't there so I'm just assuming that you weren't either. I wish I had gone. Stephen talked about Jessica Matthews. She designed a soccer ball that generates electricity while you play soccer with it. After half an hour of playing soccer, it could keep a light bulb lit for three hours. Stephen met up with Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton at the CGIU Exchange Fair. It was a great opportunity for him to learn more about the innovative young minds coming up with the projects. We saw how to extract drinkable water from air, and football helmets with sensors to detect injuries. Of course, not everyone who plays football suffers from injuries. Stephen played football and he never suffered any injuries. Other projects include helping farmers in Columbia grow their product (tea) and market it here. Also of interest is the Humanure Power Project. Again, another source of power that has been under-utilized.

Stephen was so inspired by the young people, but also disappointed that each project only addressed one problem. To lead the way, Stephen demonstrated his model volcano that symbolized how he would solve many of today's problems or address today's goals, including  Public Health, Peace, Human Rights, Climate Change, Poverty, and the Environment. There were many people who witnessed Stephen's demonstration of his Volcano Metaphor Project, but none were more impressed than Stephen himself. His applause was so heartfelt that there was no need for anyone else to applaud. And indeed, neither Bill Clinton, nor Chelsea Clinton, nor the thirty or so young creative innovators watching applauded.

In the next segment, I learned something I had not known before. The pilgrims landed in Mayflower, Arkansas. Oops that's wrong, It was in Little Rock. Whichever place they landed, it was definitely Arkansas because they came over on an ark. Anyway, you may remember that oil spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. Exxon thinks of it as more of a free oil giveaway than an oil spill. The good news is that we are not seeing much more damage. That's because the area is off limits (as in you will be arrested) to reporters and photographers. And there is a no-fly zone over the area. But still, quilted paper towels are being used to clean up the oil as well as pushing it down storm drains so that the oil will head over to wetlands where it can mingle with nature.

Stephen's guest last night was a Detroiter or is it Detroitite, Detroitan, a Detroitman? Oh  of course - Detroit native Charlie LeDuff taking with Stephen about his book "Detroit - An American Autopsy." He warns that we need to pay attention to Detroit learn lessons from what has happened there. The auto industry is booming, that is the companies are doing fine. But the jobs have been shipped overseas. There is concern on his part that if we don't invest in our children, in our cities, we are going to see more instances of decline.

Now for an update. The followers for @PrezBillyJeff are now up to a whopping 132,725. That's more than one  thousand new followers in just the time it took me to write this post. Keep following fans, keep following.

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