Friday, November 2, 2012

They Wear Denim

Sad news that Stephen reported last night. He had to, and this was hard for him to say, ride the bus to work. There were members of the public, people, also on the bus. And they were wearing denim, lots of denim.Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon.

Stephen had a Tip of the Finger, no a Wag of the Hat, no, it was either a Tip of the Hat or a Wag of the Finger for Memoto. That's a small camera that you can wear on your person. It takes a photo every 30 seconds. Wow. This is great. I can't believe humans have evolved as much as they have without this clever device before. Your life in pictures, everything you do all day long. And hey, don't worry about someone else taking photos that seem somewhat invasive of other people's privacy. It says on their website not to take inappropriate pictures, so problem solved.

Stephen did note that if he had had this Memoto earlier this year, he could have captured the beginning and the end of Tim Pawlenty's presidential election in two pictures.

Here's something that pundits have been talking about since Mitt Romney started running for president. I don't have that exact date that Mitt Romney started running for president, but that isn't important here. What is important is whether or not Mitt's Mormon religion will turn some voters away.

Luckily, Billy Graham stepped up to the plate at just the right moment. Whereas Mormons used to be on Billy Graham's Cult List, the Mormon religion or Latter Day Saints, has been removed recently and they are no longer a Cult in Billy Graham's humble opinion. Stephen called this a miracle. Billy Graham is now pledging to do all he can to help Romney.

David Byrne and St. Vincent were the guests last night. They had a lively discussion, with Stephen happy to point out the vast difference in the age of those two. So, it's not as if he called David Byrne old. I would imagine you might just say he is youth-challenged. One of the first thing the three of them did was to figure out a way to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. It was a very interesting approach, partly because the hurricane caused the predicament that would then become the means of raising money. That Stephen Colbert has such great ideas.

Stephen asked both of them if being artists and musicians made them feel like they missed out on the opportunity to be ordinary. But both David Byrne and St. Vincent, or Annie as Stephen called her, claimed to believe that they were just ordinary folk.

Finally, time for some music. And as usual some bonus music on the web at Colbert Nation.

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