Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's Art, It's Lousy Art

Stephen shared with us his "I'm With Mitt" photos. It was a great summary of Election Night minus the fireworks.

Do you know any Difference Makers? I'm sure you do, but none quite like Steven Dick, Jr. He owes a ton of back taxes but refused to pay them because New York tax law has an exemption (according to Dick) for his type of business establishment. Stephen presented a mini-documentary that was a wonderful mixture of legal information along with musical and dramatic performances.

Contrary to what was published in "The New England Journal of When Harry Met Sally," men and women can't be just friends. Harry was right and Sally was wrong. Stephen shared his thoughts about the 700,000 women viewers who watch his show.

Thursday night's guest was Rachel Maddow of "The Rachel Maddow Show" fame. She was one of the newscasters who stayed up late on Election Night to report the results. "What was it like?" asked Stephen. Well, Rachel admitted that she had pudding brain after not having enough sleep. When Ohio was called for Obama and Obama had won re-election, they were caught off guard, they weren't expecting it to happen then.

Stephen commented that the folks over at Fox seemed more freaked out than the folks at msnbc seemed elated. Probably the folks over at msnbc were simply reporting the news fairly and balanacedly, so no emotion needed.  We also find out that predicting the outcome of an election based on enthusiastic crowds is a lousy way to predict elections.

One thing that Stephen respects is the way Rachel Maddow can deconstruct the news. She mixes it up a bit and then reconstructs the news. According to Stephen this ends up being a conservative killing machine.

Stephen plugged Rachel Maddow's book "Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power." But not before discussing his view of how hurricanes are spawned. I don't think Rachel Maddow believed his fuzzy science.

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