Monday, November 26, 2012

Pope? Nope!

Stephen acknowledged that all important American mainstay, Black Friday. He is somewhat worried that it is being ruined by commercialism. I hope not, I sincerely hope not.

In  "Judge, Jury and Executioner" we learn about Copyright Law. Copyright Law is quite simple and straightforward. In fact, it's so easy, even a caveman.... oops I better not say that, it might be copyrighted. Anyway, there's this case going on now, Supap Kirtsaeng v. Wiley & Sons. Supap buys textbooks in Thailand where they are cheap and sells them here on ebay for a hefty profit. But is it legal? That is yet to be determined. In the meantime, will this mean everything on ebay is at risk? What about stuff you have that you want to resell at a garage sale. It's complicated and it means Stephen had to make a call, on-air, to Elvis Costello to get his permission to resell an Elvis Costello album at an upcoming garage sale, and to negotiate a split in the profits. I hope I can make it to Stephen's garage sale. Sting is going to be the cashier!

Thanksgiving is over. Christmas is just around the corner. You know what that means. Fox News will be starting in on their favorite topic, the War on Christmas. Which means it's time on The Colbert Report for "The Blitzkrieg on Grinchitude."

Someone is spoiling Stephen's Christmas spirit and you will not believe who it is. The Pope. Yes, that Pope, Pope Benedict. Here's what Pope Benedict is saying to ruin Stephen's Christmas.

Jesus was really born earlier than we have been led to believe. Angels did not sing about the birth of the baby Jesus, they just spoke about it. There weren't animals sitting around by the manger.

Stephen could easily win a debate with the Pope with these simple words from The Little Drummer Boy.

Mary nodded.
Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum.
The ox and lamb kept time.
Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum.

Yep, the ox and lamb are the rhythm section. What more proof does anyone need? So all this stuff according to the Pope is not in the Bible. Stephen showed what a biblical scholar he is with this simple gotcha tactic. "Know what else isn't in the Bible? The Pope!"

Stephen's guest was Jake Tapper, White House corespondent for ABC News. He also has a book out, "The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor." With this book it becomes a Told story. The outpost is in Afghanistan and it seems like a sort of Catch 22 in that the base is there to protect itself so that it can be there. It does sound like a very interesting book, so go out and buy it.

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