Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stephen Gets Served and It's Not Ice Cream

After talking briefly about The Colbuffington Re-Post, Stephen welcomed Jeffrey Leonard of Washington Monthly. They chatted about small businesses and large businesses and government and were really getting deep into the subject. But then Stephen put his foot in his mouth.

Yes, it can happen. I don't remember the details exactly. I was so taken back by his faux pas. But it did indeed happen.

"Mr. Colbert."

Whoa. The last time he got served like that was when he interviewed Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. He deserved it. There I said it. All sorts of lessons in civics and logic when he interviewed Congresswoman Norton. Did you know she can't actually vote in Congress? It's true, strange, but true. Watch the interview here.

But getting back to Jeffrey Leonard, the interview was short but one important point was that some small businesses are often struggling to make it in this economy. One problem? Big business. It happens often that a small business will provide goods or services to big businesses. But then the big business takes a long time to pay the bill. It's called Net-60. Meaning they take 60 days to pay the bills instead of 30 like they should if they were playing fair. Sometimes they take even longer, 90 or 120 days. That's as long as 4 months!

Their excuse??? Everyone else does it. Yeah, right. Like that's ever a good excuse. Puhlease.

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