Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Halftime Show Ever

Okay, I don't know if it was the best Halftime Show ever. But I have been reading that some people think it was the worst. Oh, those critics.

As usual, I go to my source for all things important, Wikipedia. Here is a list of Super Bowl Halftime Shows. Look them over and remember. Indiana Jones, really? George Burns and Mickey Rooney? Yes, I thought so. Now you are thinking that this year's show with the Black Eyed Peas was if not the best moment of your life, at least enjoyable.

And the costumes, well none of them malfunctioned if you know what I mean. In fact, I read somewhere, and I'm sorry but I won't apologize for not remembering where I read it, that the dancer costumes came from Just for Kix, up in Baxter, Minnesota. I looked on Google maps and that seems to be a small town west of Brainerd. I would have a hard time deciding what to wear just to watch the Super Bowl. I can't imagine what it was like to get all those costumes together and get the right sizes and make sure that all of them worked.

But here's something that not many of you have realized. Stephen is on vacation this week. There were lots of dancers in the Super Bowl halftime show. Stephen can dance. It was often dark in the Super Bowl. Stephen can dance. Stephen is on vacation. Aha. You see what I'm thinking? Maybe Stephen was one of those dancers and if in fact he was, well then by the Distributive Property, it was the Best Halftime Show Ever.

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