Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm Not Running, Or Am I?

It's official. Stephen announced Thursday night that he is not running for President in 2012. Ah, but then he left it wide open when he added, "Or am I?"

While some might imagine that would be a good thing, think about it. Would he be able to do "The Colbert Report" if he was elected President? I don't think so. Better to have Stephen stay doing what he does best and leave the presidency to Barack Obama.

Moving on. Mike Huckabee was on the show last night. Remember way back in 2007 when Huckabee got the Colbert Bump from Stephen Colbert? Huckabee went on to win Iowa. (For those of you who are not political junkies, that does not mean that Huckabee actually won the state of Iowa and got to take it home with him. It really means that he did very well in the lead-up to when the Republicans picked a candidate.)

Huckabee also has written a book, a simple one I assume since the title is "Simple Government." Stephen says it's a Tea Party Book and he would know because he is, of course, Stephen Colbert. There's a quote that comes to mind.

"For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong."
H.L. Mencken

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