Thursday, December 6, 2012

Shut Up, I Wasn't Talking To You

Where's Stephen? Where is Stephen? Blink, there he is just like magic. He wasn't there, then he was there, and he had a ring.... Strange, isn't it?

We learned about some delicious food and where to get it. That's right, Hobbit Food at Denny's. How does it taste? How long will it be there? I do not know, but now I'm hungry.

The next segment on the show started out all cute and cuddly about babies and then quickly turned rotten. In The Word, Stephen exposed what someone else had already exposed about tutors and cheating. It's gotten to the point where you practically have to pack your tutor in your suitcase when you go to college so that he, or she, can continue to cheat for you and make sure that while you will perhaps enjoy the college experience, you won't learn anything. It just keeps going and going and going until one day a patient happens to wake up in surgery and hears this, "Nurse, pass the knifey thing."

Pity the Pollsters. Those people who call you during supper and ask all sorts of questions are still doing that even though the election is done. Public Policy Polling found that 49% of GOP voters nationally think ACORN stole the election for President Obama. This is incredible since ACORN ceased to exist two years ago!

Did Rick Santorum convince the Senate not to vote for disabled people all over the world? Or did he just nudge open the Pandora's Box and they would have voted that way anyway? Even Bob Dole showed up, in a wheelchair, to urge the Senate to vote on the treaty. They thanked him and then voted No.

The show almost came to a screeching halt, but luckily, Stephen was allowed to pass (courtesy of a former guest this week) and go over to greet (?) his guest. Stephen is nimble, I will admit. Oh, yes, his guest was Andy Serkis. He plays the part of Gollum and I was quite surprised to see what makeup and good lighting on the set of The Colbert Report can do. Andy Serkis looks handsome. His hair isn't straggly at all. His ears and hands don't look as large as they are in the movie. If it's true that clothes make the man, well, he sure proves it. And he's taller than I thought he would be. I thought I would be a little bit put off by him, but he's not even that scary or strange.

As a real treat for the viewers and audience, Stephen had a clip from the movie The Hobbit showing Bilbo and Gollum. This was great because we got to see a little of the movie for free and also because when we do see the movie in the theaters, when this part comes on, we can run out quickly for some more popcorn! We already know what happens so we won't miss a thing.

And Stephen disappeared, just as magically as he had first appeared. That is some kind of ring!

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