Friday, December 14, 2012

Last Show For 2012

Last night's show was great and it was also the last show for 2012. I don't know why I didn't see that coming. Every year Stephen and also Jon Stewart take some time off to spend with their family and relax a bit. I mean, what else would Stephen possibly do, unless....?

Okay, I just checked my local movie theaters. Yes, December 14. The day that The Hobbit hits the screen. And so, I think we can safely assume that Stephen even now has a box of popcorn in one hand, a super large big cup of pop in the other hand, and his feet up on the seat in front of him. He is at the movies.  Well, not a surprise. Enjoy yourself Stephen and we will see you next year.

Now for the show. Well, I will write about last night's show over the next few days and also come up with something to write about for the three weeks that Stephen is off. For last night, it will include iPad, Ham, lots of money, a nun badge, and some more music. I'll keep my eye on important news and report on that, and I'll maybe make note of what is on the TV machine, you know, repeats of The Colbert Report, but I'll write different stuff from what I wrote before.

Oh, yeah, you can look at this if you have a few moments. It's about the Concert for Sandy Relief.

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