Friday, December 14, 2012

My Lord, A Mister Spider to See You

Thursday's show was the last episode of the year and Stephen was already relaxing in fine style. And of course news of the 121212 Concert was the first agenda item on the show. There were many fine musicians, but they were all just opening acts, teasers or appetizers if you will, for rock legend (in his own mind???) Stephen Colbert. He even brought out his iPad to show footage of Mick Jagger "shaking his sexy bag of bones." That would seem to prove that Stephen was, in fact, just off stage while Mick was performing, but I was skeptical. It is easy to download videos from the Internets and say, "I was there!" However, when the iPad swiveled around and showed Stephen's handsome, smiling face, there could be no doubt in my mind. Rock legend Stephen Colbert was definitely there, just offstage, to watch fellow rock legend Mick Jagger perform. Who was more impressed, Stephen or Mick? I wonder.

If you don't know yet, here's what Stephen suggested, Text Robinhood to 50555 to help out the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

Next we had some political commentary from Stephen and then some fancy culture by way of  the British and their Downton Abbey TV show. It seems Michele Obama was able, somehow, to get an advance copy of the upcoming season. She won't have to wait like the rest of America to watch. There's not much Stephen can do about that, but, F. O.T. S. (Friend of the Show) Vince Gilligan let Stephen show some upcoming scenes from Breaking Bad as performed by the men of Downton Abbey.

If by chance you tuned into The Colbert Report mid-show, you might have seen "Breaking Abbey" and you would probably have been really confused because you expected to see Stephen Colbert. Hopefully for all the viewers that were temporarily bummed out, you were elated when you realized that you were still watching the right show. This show, "Breaking Abbey" is bound to become a favorite for fans of both "Downton Abbey" and "Breaking Bad" because it combines the best of both shows.

Stephen promised that next time Bryan Cranston will be on to re-enact scenes from "Malcolm in the Middle."

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