Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stephen Colbefrajilympic Expealacoverage '012

Stephen is correct. They do open the Olympics with the Half Time Show. Everyone is waiting for Dressage, so they should open with that event.

Of course Rafalca will be in London, and lest anyone wonders, Dressage is Legal!

When Stephen was in Vancouver for the Winter Olympics, we got to see him do Speed Skating. On Tuesday, we will get to see him do Dressage. (Horse Ballet) To accomplish this sport, he traveled to Hawthorne Hill in Long Valley, New Jersey and met with former Olympian Michael Barisone. Stephen dressed appropriately. He asked appropriate questions of Michael Barisone, such as "What is it?" and "What are you doing?" and "How do you get the skates on the horses?"

I think you are going to want to watch on Tuesday for sure or else catch that episode at Colbert Nation on Wednesday. Stephen is going to get his Dressage on. And just so you know, dressage sort of rhymes with massage. I would hate for you to be embarrassed down at your local bar by pronouncing it wrong.

Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker, which I guess means come listen to me talk and oh by the way, give me lots of money. Well, I don't know, maybe it's not a lot of money. But Stephen did remind us that if we were going to attend one of his conferences, not to settle for the cheap general admission seats at $595, but to go for the diamond premiere seats at $2595. Those seats are in front sections and you get a free lunch on Friday and Saturday. So, well worth it. I know how much I hate having to buy my own lunch when I go to seminars, conferences and workshops. You may also have heard about Tony Robbins being in the news lately. It seems 21 people were burned when they walked on coals. Who knew? Except I did notice in the Wikipedia entry on Tony Robbins this quote about the incident: "A representative of the fire department said they discourage people from walking over hot coals." Like I said, Who knew?

Not to be outdone, Stephen will soon have his own set of seminars, "Roll in a Pit of Broken Glass." Sounds like fun. Go on over to http://www.seminaroutsiders.com to learn more.

Joan Rivers was Stephen's guest and would you believe, it was one joke after another. She has a new book out, "I Hate Everyone ... Starting With Me."

I wonder what it would be like to have Tony Robbins and Joan Rivers do a seminar together. One presenter would be telling the audience that they can do anything they put their mind to. The other one would be telling the audience she hates them. Now that would be worth the $2595 seats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you let me know Stephen?! :-( That's where I grew up & 15 minutes from where I live now. *Disappointed sigh*